Jon Balke Jon Balke

Mastodon, anybody?

Being constantly in opposition to the Zuckerberg/Musk monopoly, I have created a profile on Mastodon which seems like a much more non profit, democratic solution to the use of social media. Check out the decentralized server network here:

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Jon Balke Jon Balke

Facebook Update

Given Meta´s U-turn on the AI training, where they “postpone” their aggressive use of users data to train their new AI I decided to hold the profile for now, and follow closely their next move. It felt strangely good to let go of the world of likes and comments , but in order to maintain the participation in groups of shared interests (which is a fabulous service of FB), I turned my account on again, for now. But I encourage everyone to survey Meta´s next moves with respect to use of our data. And salute the norwegian “datatilsynet” and their tough stance on Meta!

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Jon Balke Jon Balke

Facebook goodbye

With Meta´s aggressive move to exploit all users content for training it´s AI , I have finally come to the conclusion that my time in this social media is over. I have never actually felt comfortable in it´s environment , where every action is valued by numbers. I have had “friendships “ with people I have never met, who post me about their weddings and vacations, and what I see or not is governed by algorithms that I can not control. I see that it is possible to reserve your data from being exploited, but I don´t see what guarantee we have for that, unless the profile is completely deleted. I will miss the possibility to share ideas and meaningful content, but I guess there will be other possibilities for this. Anyway Meta is now a power i do not want to support. So, goodbye Fuckerberg.

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Jon Balke Jon Balke

Ongoings in the Magnetic Universe next week:

Rehearsing "Perkverket": music composed by Jon Balke for 8 faboulous percussion players and live electronics. Premiere at Førde Folk Music festival 5 july.

Installing 8 channel sound system at Hå gamle prestegard for the opening of the summer exhibition with Thomas Pihl, Munan Øvrelid and Tone Myskja. A small concert by Jon Balke at the opening 1 june.

Rehearsing with Masqualero, the quintet active in the 1980´s , now due for a reunion stunt at Oslo Jazz Festival 11 august. Arild Andersen, Nils Petter Molvaer, Tore Brunborg, Gard Nilssen and Jon Balke

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Jon Balke Jon Balke


Check out our Bandcamp pages, with different audio tracks from Jon Balke´s work for video installations, as well as older albums that are out of print , like Saturation, with Sidsel Endresen, Fredrik Lundin and Nils Olav Johansen, and Jøkleba! Nu Jøk, which Universal music does not wish to print more copies of. We have a few, though and will send if you prepay.

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Jon Balke Jon Balke

New solo recording is coming

Just finished the piano recordings for a new album to be released on ECM records early 2025. Post production will adapt layers of harmonics from the “Spektrafon,” an audio tool developed at the Norwegian Academy of Music . Mix and mastering in Munich with Manfred Eicher in april.

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Jon Balke Jon Balke

About this new site

The contents on this site replaces the website that previously held all info about music productions by Jon Balke. Here on you will find in addition different categories of new and unpublished media. Please check also Bandcamp for out takes and unavailable releases, like the album Saturation on Jazzland (out of print) and Jøkleba!/Nu Jøk also out of print, but a few copies are still available.

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