JON BALKE musical history

Jon Balke (born 1955 in Norway), pianist, keyboardplayer, composer,

arranger, percussionist,and orchestra leader has been professionally active active since

1974, when he joined Arild Andersens group in a studio session for the

german ECM label. Since then his musical life has moved through several stages:

In the 1980´s

Co-leader of of several  groups in Scandinavia, among others:

E´OLEN a collaboration with west-african musicians(1978-1988),

SURDU a trio inspired by ethnic sounds(1977-1979)

OSLO 13, a 13-piece composers orchestra (1980-1993)

MASQUALERO a quintet with Jon Christensen, Arild Andersen. Nils Petter Molvær and Tore Brunborg.

in the 1990´s

Founder of, leader and composer for:

JØKLEBA with Audun Kleive and Per Jørgensen


from 2000

POINT4 "double duo" with 2 pianos 2 percussionists

BATAGRAF percussion ensemble

PRATAGRAF stand up and percussion

SIWAN orchestra with Amina Aaloui /Jon Hassell/Mona Boutchebak/Derya Turkan, etc

Jon Balke Solo performances and albums

Extensive compositional works for a vast variety of ensembles and projects:

contemporary dance, theatre plays, symphony orchestras, singers, and jazz ensembles.

He has collaborated with visual artists like Kjell Bjorgeengen, Tone Myskja, Francesco Scavetta, Giorgio Rossi etc.

Various scoring for film, including "Helene et Mathieu " by Emily Atef

His history as musician include accompanying  singers like

Radka Toneff, Sidsel Endresen, Anne Li Drecker, Karin Krogh, and Trine Lise Vaering, as well as  live and studio sessions  with people like Archie Shepp, John Surman, Airto Moreira/Flora Purim, Michael Urbaniak, Enrico Rava, George Russel, Paolo Fresu, Nguyen Le, Marilyn Mazur, Jon Hassell etc.

Jon Balke has held various positions in boards and comitees including Notam, Norwegian Art Council, Norwegian Jazz federation etc, as well as teaching and censoring  for academies in Norway, Denmark, Italy and Germany. He holds a position as associate professor in music production at the Norwegian Academy of Music.

Jon Balke is also founder of and manager at the art centre Madstun in Norway.

Selected recordings:

"Nonsentration"  w Oslo 13 ECM

"Further" w Magnetic North Orchestra  ECM

"Solarized" w Magnetic North Orchestra Emarcy

"Kyanos" w Magnetic North Orchestra ECM

"Diverted Travels" w Magnetic North Orchestra ECM

"Statements"w Batagraf ECM

"Say and Play" w Batagraf ECM

"Siwan" ECM

"Nahnou Houm" w Siwan ECM

"Book of velocities" solo ECM

"Warp" solo Ecm

"Discourses" solo ECM

"Hafla" w Siwan ECM records


Prizes, awards etc:

1984  Norwegian Jazzforbunds "Buddy" prize

1993 "Årets Jazzmusiker" FNJ musikerpris

1994  “OL-musiker”elected group of artists associated with Olympic Winter games

1986-88 Statens 3 årige arbeidsstipend, Governmental work grant.

1996-1998 Statens 3 årige arbeidsstipend, Governmental work grant.

1999 “Jazzvisitor in Copenhagen” AiR one month stay with concert series

2001  Festival-composer  at  Trondhjem Kammermusikkfestival

2003 Oslo City Culture grant.

2008 Rolf Gamleng prisen from FFUK, Norway.

2009 "Jahrespreis den deutchen schallplattenkritik” for Siwan

2012 Artist in residence Molde int Jazzfestival

2012-2016:  3 year work grant as composer

2018-2022 Norwegian Governmental Seniorstipend as musician

2021 Rolf Gamlengs ærespris from FFUK, Norway.

2022 Nominated for the Spellemann prize (Norways highest music award)